Want a reason to enter the VIC of the Year Awards?  This is your chance to receive free registration for next year's conference!  The executive committee is offering free registration at the next Conference for the Winners of the VIC of the Year Awards.

Entering a submission is a worthwhile venture for VICs to gauge how they are travelling amongst their peers, and identify what can be improved for your own VIC.

Enter the awards and highlight all of the hard work you, your staff and volunteers have delivered in the last financial year. 

Take the time to look at the questions and put your VIC in the spotlight for 2024/2025. Winners will receive a certificate, electronic logo and FREE registration for the following QICA Conference.

Three categories are available: VICs run by a Local Government Association (LGA), VICs run by a Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO), or VICs run by Volunteers.

Registrations Open:  Wednesday 22 May 2024
Registrations Close: COB Friday 1 November 2024

For information on how to nominate and enter your amazing VIC in the 2024 QICA VIC of the Year Awards please click here.


2025 QICA Conference Host Invitation

The Queensland Visitor Centre Association (QICA) is seeking expressions of interest from interested parties to host the 2025 Annual Visitor Information Centre Conference. The 2024 QICA Conference in the South Burnett region will deliver another successful event on the tourism calendar. In the past, these events have proven to be beneficial to the host town, their tourism stakeholders, and the local community.

Click here to find out if your region has what it takes to host the QICA Conference in 2025!